Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ProjectTalk Newsletter 02/15/2015 Edition

Welcome to the ProjectTalk Newsletter 02/15/2015 edition. This edition discusses: The 5 Phases of IT projects, What to do when your Project Slips and Delivering Projects using Agile Methods:
Don't forget to post a comment and let us know any particular topics of interest you have. We maintain an extensive library of PM related subject matter from various sources thereby ensuring a wide variety of professional perspectives.
Remember, to subscribe to the ProjectTalk Newsletter just visit our web-site at:

Introducing the ProjectTalk Newsletter!

Welcome to the premier edition of the ProjectTalk Newsletter (02/01/2015).
The ProjectTalk Newsletter is a bi-monthly publication developed and presented by Ruffin Veal and Associates, Inc. Its purpose is to provide tips and best practice information on topics of interest to the professional project management community.

To subscribe and receive each bi-monthly edition, go to our web-site at:

This edition's topics include How to Prioritize your Projects, Tips on Outsourcing your Projects and Managing your Outsourced Projects: Enjoy.


Ruffin Veal III
Principal, Ruffin Veal and Associates, Inc.

Leadership from a Different Perspective

I believe that as PM professionals we can benefit from all aspects of the human experience. That includes Lessons in Leadership from other professions. Here is such an example from the world of professional sports which I entitled, "Lessons in Leadership: A Program and Project Management perspective of two memorable National Football League seasons."



What's your PM Leadership style?

I've always believed that a little self-assessment from time to time is good for one's professional growth as well as the soul. Let's do some self-assessment on our PM leadership style.

Will you recognize your PM leadership style displayed here?
How about the styles of your fellow PMs?

Below is a link to an MS PowerPoint presentation which explores the leadership styles displayed in the movie "Lord of the Rings", from the book by J.R.R Tolkien. The presentation was originally created by Mr. Joe Tye, CEO of Values Coach, Inc.!2061

I've also provided a link below to Mr. Tye's FREE pdf e-book entitled,
"Leadership Lessons-What you can learn from J.R.R Tolkien's Classic Works".!2060



Project Management and Leadership

Let's begin the ProjectTalk blog with a topic of continuing debate among PM professionals. We are well aware of the importance of management and leadership in our profession. But what exactly are these concepts and how do they relate? How are they alike and how do they differ?

Entitled, "Project Management and Leadership: Equal Partners for Project Success.", this 2 part article explores the differences between management and leadership while discussing the need for both in successful project management. Part 1: and Part 2: Enjoy.  

 -Ruffin Veal III

Welcome to the ProjectTalk Blog!

Dear Project Management Professional:

Welcome! Thank you for stopping by.
Let's start by answering the question, "What is ProjectTalk?"
ProjectTalk is an educational service produced and developed by Ruffin Veal and Associates, Inc. Its purpose is to address issues and topics of interest to the professional project management community. ProjectTalk is presented in various forms. These forms include presentations, seminars, articles, social media, a bi-monthly newsletter, PM related courses and this blog.
We encourage your feed back and comments. By sharing our experiences and engaging our colleagues in discussion we will all benefit and grow as PM professionals. Enjoy.


Ruffin Veal III
Principal, Ruffin Veal and Associates, Inc.